
各 位 平成 30 年6月 26 日
会 社 名 株式会社イマジカ・ロボット ホールディングス
代表者の役職氏名 代 表 取 締 役 社 長 塚 田 眞 人
(コード番号:6879 東証第一部)
問 合 わ せ 先 取 締 役 執 行 役 員 森 田 正 和
T E L 03-6741-5742


当社の連結子会社である SDI Media(以下、SDI)は、韓国での新オフィスを移転しましたので、お知らせ

SDI は韓国での事業 20 周年を控え、字幕サービスを提供するオフィスをソウル市デジタルメディアシティ
(以下、DMC)へ移転します。デジタル技術のハイテク複合再開発地区である DMC に移転することで、字
幕・吹替作業に関連したサービスの提供を受けることができ、SDI は韓国における地位をより強固なものに

SDI は韓国での事業をスタートさせた時から韓国を代表する放送局や配給会社へ最高品質のサービス
流通において、SDI はローカライズサービスを提供することでその発展に寄与してまいりました。

オペレーション部門アジア・ヴァイス・プレジデント/Gina Chang のコメント:
「韓国は最も古くからサービスを提供している市場です。20 周年の節目にオフィスを新しくし、東アジア

SDI Media Korea
住所:F12, Business Center, Nuridream Square, 396 World Cup buk-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

(添付資料 全1枚) SDI Media ニュースリリース


SDI Media Relocates To New Facility in Seoul’s
Digital Media City Ahead of 20-Year Anniversary

Seoul, Korea, June 25, 2018 – As SDI Media begins preparation for its upcoming 20-year
anniversary in Korea, the global localization provider is pleased to announce the relocation of
their Korean subtitling office to Seoul’s Digital Media City (DMC). The new facility in the high-
tech, cutting-edge digital media industry center will provide centralized resources for subtitling
and dubbing projects and continue SDI Media’s long standing presence in Korea – making SDI
the oldest longest standing localization provider in the region. Since SDI Media first opened its
doors in Korea the global provider has grown to become one of the largest providers of
subtitling, translation, and dubbing services in the country, providing top quality resources and
infrastructure to its leading broadcasters and distributors.

SDI Media has been instrumental in the advancement of the Korean wave, Hallyu, the global
rise in popularity of Korean entertainment and culture. The biggest impact across Asia has come
from the distribution of Korean films, broadcast entertainment, and music, and SDI Media has
been at the forefront creating, and delivering localized content to consumers in the region.

“We are very fortunate to have entered this market so early. We have built strong relationships
over the years and have the pleasure of working with all the leading content creators and major
studios in Korea,” said Gina Chang, SDI Media’s Vice President of Operations, Asia. “Our new
facility in the DMC gives our clients greater, more centralized access and further strengthens
our presence here in Korea.”

“Korea was one of our earliest markets, and as we reach this twenty-year milestone we are so
excited to update our facility and provide our clients a new experience in one of East Asia’s
most prominent centers of technology and development,” said Masashi Nakamura, Chief
Financial Officer of SDI Media.

SDI Media Korea is located at F12, Business Center, Nuridream Square, 396 World Cup buk-ro,
Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea. For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact Mindy Choi
at +82-2-304-3465.

About SDI Media:
SDI Media is the world’s leading localization provider of dubbing, subtitling, and media services, utilizing the largest owned and
operated network of recording studios worldwide. SDI Media offers clients an end-to-end localization solution for theatrical,
broadcast, digital, interactive, and new media platforms using a comprehensive suite of customizable localization applications.
With over 40 years of experience delivering translated content to global platforms, SDI Media continues to be the most trusted
localization partner worldwide. For more information about SDI Media, please visit

For additional information please visit or contact Aviv Gattenuo at +1.310.388.8942 with press inquiries.