
各 位
会 社 名 クミアイ化 学 工 業 株 式 会 社
代 表 者 取 締 役 社 長 小 池 好 智
(コード番号 4996 東証第1部)
問 合 せ先 執行役員総務人事部長 吉 村 巧


ガポール共和国に本社及び製造拠点を有し、 アジア アフリカ地域で農薬を販売する Asiatic

Agricultural Industries Pte. Ltd.(以下 AAI 社)の株式 60%を AAI 社創業家から取得する


AAI 社は、1972 年に農薬卸として設立され、シンガポールに製剤工場を有し、アジア・
アフリカ地域の合計 16 ヶ国で農薬、公衆衛生向け害虫駆除剤などを販売しております。


2.AAI 社の概要

会社名 Asiatic Agricultural Industries Pte. Ltd.(AAI)
本社及び工場 150 Gul Circle, Singapore
創業 1972 年
代表者 Chan Chek Chee (Chairman)
主な事業内容 農薬製造及び販売、農薬企業向けの OEM
資本金 1.2 百万シンガポールドル
従業員 70 名

2021 年 2 月 1 日(予定)

以 上
December 14, 2020
To whom it may concern:

Name of company: Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
Representative: Yoshitomo Koike,
President and Representative Director
(Code No.: 4996, TSE 1st)
Contact: Takumi Yoshimura, General Manager of General
& Personnel Affairs Department
(TEL: 03 3822 5036)

Announcement of Acquisition of Shares in Singaporean Agrochemical Company

Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (President and CEO: Yoshitomo Koike, Head Office:
Taito-ku, Tokyo, “Kumiai Chemical”) has entered into a share purchase agreement with
the purpose of acquiring 60% of Asiatic Agricultural Industries Pte. Ltd. (“AAI”) which
distributes agrochemicals in Asia and Africa with headquarters and manufacturing facilities
in Singapore.

1. Purpose and overview of the share acquisition

AAI was established in 1972 as an agrochemical wholesaler. It has a formulation plant in
Singapore and distributes agrochemicals and public health pesticides in a total of 16
countries in Asia and Africa.

Kumiai Chemical and AAI, aiming for further growth of both companies, have agreed to
work towards achieving concrete synergies, such as promotion of product development
based on localized market information and understanding of market needs, cooperation in
the performance evaluation of new agrochemical products, and mutual outsourcing of
formulations. Through the share acquisition, Kumiai Chemical will further strengthen and
complement the distribution network that it has already established in Asia and Africa,

In the new mid-term business plan announced today, Kumiai Chemical has set "securing a
diversity of distribution channels" as one of its key strategies, and it believes that the share
acquisition will contribute to the realization of this strategy. Through the synergy effect
with AAI, it will enhance the corporate value and competitiveness of the Kumiai Chemical
Group and contribute to the sustainable development of society by providing products and
services that enrich people's lives.
2.AAI's overview

Company Name Asiatic Agricultural Industries Pte. Ltd.(AAI)
Headquarters & 150 Gul Circle, Singapore
Founded 1972
Representative Chan Chek Chee (Chairman)
Main Business Manufacturing and distribution of agrochemicals,
OEM for agrochemical companies
Capital Stock S$1.2 million
Employees 70

2. Scheduled date of share acquisition

February 1, 2021