
2020 年6月 25 日
各 位
東京都港区虎ノ門四丁目1番 28 号
代表取締役社長 福田 尚久
問合せ先 広報室長 堀江 祐子
電話 03-5776-1700

日本通信、世界で最も安全なデジタル ID の提供に向けて
行動的生体 AI 認証技術の neoEYED と提携

「当社」という) スマホで安全な金融取引を実現するプラットフォーム、
FPoS(Fintech Platform over SIM、エフポス)の最も重要な応用例として、安全・安心なデジタル ID
るようにした次世代型デジタル ID です。マイナンバーカードとの認証連携と顔認証を同時に行うこと
で実現する厳格な本人確認に基づき、スマホ内のハードウェア(サブ SIM 等)に電子証明書を発行する
きるデジタル ID となります。

いしは PIN 入力を必須とすることで、置き忘れ等の際に他人が使えないようにしていますが、さらにパ
スワードや PIN 入力、あるいは他の入力等の際の使い方、すなわち入力姿勢や入力時指圧力等の入力行
動を AI 解析することで、本人以外の入力は受け付けない技術の導入を進めています。

今回提携した neoEYED 社(ネオアイド社)は、スマホにおける入力行動に関する AI 分析及び認証
への応用に関するリーディング企業の一社です。当社は neoEYED 社との提携により、FPoS を、最も
安全な金融プラットフォームであると同時に、最も安全なデジタル ID 技術としてさらに強化を図って

新型コロナウィルスにより、世界各国がデジタル ID が持つ本来の意義を改めて再認識しつつありま
す。当社は、日本はもとより、海外においてもデジタル ID としての FPoS 構築を進めておりましたが、
さらに加速した取り組みを求められております。今回の neoEYED 社との提携は、当社の FPoS 戦略の

(neoEYED 社との共同リリースは添付資料をご参照ください)
です。あらゆるものがデジタル化し通信でつながる今日において、 日本通信の特許技術であるモバイル専用線
は、その主要システム全てにおいて国際セキュリティ基準のPCI DSS認定を取得し、警察や銀行、クレジッ
トカード業界などの厳しいセキュリティ要件が求められる分野で採用されています。 さらに日本通信は、世界
日本通信は今後も、チャレンジャーであり続け、 安全なモバイル環境が、国境を越えた社会インフラになるこ

■neoEYED について
neoEYED社は数々の技術アワードを受賞している米国本社のスタートアップ企業で、 「行動生体学」と呼ば
れる科学に基づき、 クライアントである企業に対して、デジタル不正を防止し、 同時に利用者及び利用者デー

JCI and neoEYED partner to integrate behavioural AI to FPoS
~ Offering the world’s most secure digital identity ~

Japan Communications Inc. (JCI, TSE First Section code: 9424) and neoEYED, Inc. (neoEYED), to further
strengthen JCI’s patented SIM based digital identity and transaction platform FPoS (Fintech Platform over SIM),
have executed an agreement to collaborate on secure user validation for FPoS. neoEYED is a global player in
behavioral biometrics, a technology which enables strong user recognition and verification through analysis of
how humans interact with their devices and applications. Under the agreement, neoEYED and JCI will jointly
integrate neoEYED’s behavioral Artificial Intelligence (AI) to FPoS to further enhance its world leading user
validation and security.

While e-commerce, Internet banking and other online services offer unparalleled convenience, the move to
access more and more services online increases the risk of identity theft and fraud. The US Federal Bureau of
Investigation’s Internet Crime Complaint Center has reported that online fraud was responsible for $2.7bn in
financial losses in 2018, an increase of more than 300% from 2014. As our lives increasingly move online,
safeguarding our online digital identities become as important as protecting our offline identifies. JCI has
developed FPoS to achieve this. FPoS ensures that all online transactions, from Internet banking to signing
contracts to e-commerce and more, occur with the world’s highest level of security, reliability and peace of mind.

neoEYED uses state of the art behavioral biometrics AI to study human to device interactions and learn the
specific physical habits that users have when they interact with their phones or web applications. Each user has
their own way of using their smartphones and the applications on them. This includes typing behavior, user
interactions such as the way phone is held, pressure patterns and more. neoEYED behavioral AI identifies and
verifies that the user using a device is the actual owner or intended user of that device. Further, through
continuous analysis, neoEYED technology can ensure that the user does not change during a transaction and
eliminates the risk of further impersonations.

FPoS achieves the world’s most secure digital identity, stored and accessed in our smartphones. This is
achieved through a FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified hardware based patented SIM platform that combines robust
user verification and biometric authentication with digital signature and other functionality to ensure transactions
are initiated and completed by the actual user and are not tampered or interfered with mid-stream. neoEYED’s
behavioral AI technology provides additional, extremely robust layers of security through powerful AI based user
Upon hearing of the execution of the agreement, neoEYED CEO Alessio Mauro said “We are very excited with
this partnership with JCI as this a great challenge and opportunity to showcase our solution and to provide
highest grade security to the end users.”

JCI President and Group COO Naohisa Fukuda said “For the Internet to continue to grow and to impact, change
and improve societies globally, it is critical that people can feel fully confident that their online transactions are
safe and secure. FPoS uses the world’s most prevalent device - our phones - to provide people everywhere
with the most secure, reliable, convenient and easy to use digital identity for the online age. Behavioral AI
augments the already world-leading security offered by FPoS and I am very happy to welcome neoEYED to the
FPoS ecosystem.”

About Japan Communications Inc. (JCI)
Japan Communications Inc. is the mobile solution innovator having created MVNO industry with its vision since
establishment in 1996. As digitalization progresses and devices connected to network in the world today, JCI’s
patented technology, Personal Wireless Leased Line, had obtained PCI DDS certification as defined as an
international security standard to all our primary systems which has been implemented in police departments,
banks, and credit card companies where security is most valued. Moreover, while providing world class security,
we have made identification and prevention of falsification to contents of transactions without sacrificing
convenience and ease of use to construct and implement a common platform to safely perform financial
transactions using your smartphone with its patented FinTech technology, FPoS, Fintech Platform over SIM. JCI
will keep our challenger mind set to construct and provide a safe mobile infrastructure to become a common
social platform across international borders.

About neoEYED, Inc.
neoEYED Inc. is an award winning US-headquartered startup working on a science called Behavioral
Biometrics, the AI helps businesses in preventing digital frauds and at the same time adding an additional layer
of security. neoEYED AI can recognize users by collecting information about human to machine interactions or
behavioural data. Banks and enterprises use neoEYED to reduce frauds on their digital channels. At neoEYED,
we are not just working on a machine learning algorithm, but we are preparing the next generation of Artificial
Intelligence to make security completely frictionless and passive. For more information, please visit