
平成 29 年3月1日
各 位

東京都品川区東五反田五丁目 10 番 18 号
代表取締役社長 岡本 晴彦
(コード番号:3387 東証第一部)
問い合わせ先 専務取締役 川井 潤
電話 03-5488-8001(代表)


堀井良教)の監修の下、「(仮)HORII NY」を米国に出店する方針を決定いたしましたの

当社は、平成 28 年に米国ニューヨーク市において現地法人 Create Restaurants NY inc.を設立、
定しております。更科堀井は創業 228 年の歴史を有し、更科そばの元祖として伝統を今日に伝える
「 NY」出店プロジェクトを進めてまいりま

会社名 :株式会社更科堀井
代表者 :九代目当主 堀井 良教
本店 :総本家 更科堀井 麻布十番本店
創業 :寛政元年(1789 年)

本件による、平成 30 年2月期の業績(連結)に与える影響につきましては軽微であります。

以 上

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March 1, 2017

create restaurants holdings inc.
5-10-18 Higashi-gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022, Japan
President and CEO Haruhiko Okamoto
(Code: 3387, Tokyo Stock Exchange, 1st Section)
Contact: Executive Director and CFO Jun Kawai
(TEL: 03-5488-8001)

Notice of Opening of Sarashina Horii in New York, the USA

We hereby announce that we determined a plan to open “HORII NY” (tentative name) in the
United States of America, under the supervision of Sarashina Horii Co. Ltd. operating “SARASHINA
HORII”, a long standing Soba restaurant with its head office at Minato-ku, Tokyo, and its Pres. and
CEO Yoshinori Horii.

1. Background
In 2016, we established Create Restaurants NY inc. as our subsidiary in New York City, the United
States of America. Currently, we are preparing to open our first outlet as a starting point, and plan to
actively develop our business in the United State of America, focused on Japanese cuisine.
“SARASHINA HORII” is a soba restaurant with a long standing history of 228 years since its
establishment. Today, it conveys the tradition of “Sarashina Soba” as its origin, as well as the
traditional Japanese food culture in Japan and overseas.
We have both been in discussions over developing overseas businesses together since last year,
regarding the idea of conveying the traditional Japanese culture in Manhattan, New York; where
there is rising demand for Japanese food, a well established market and customers and it is often
said to be a window into the food cultures of the world. As a result, we came to a mutual agreement
with a business alliance for a project in the United States of America. Going forward, we will utilize
our mutual strengths in order to work towards the opening of “HORII NY” (tentative name).

2. Overview of Sarashina Horii
Company name : Sarashina Horii Co. Ltd.
Representative : The 9th generation chef-owner Yoshinori Horii
Main store : SARASHINA HORII (Azabu-Juban)
Establishment year : 1789

3. Impact on consolidated results
The impact on the consolidated results of FY 2/2018 in relation to this project is not significant.

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