2024年2月版 インベスターズガイド(ソラストについて)

ソラストについて Solasto Corporation Business and Operations

2024年2月 February 2024
株式会社ソラスト Solasto Corporation

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents

1 ソラストの概要
Company and Business Overview

2 中期経営計画2025
Medium-term Business Plan 2025

3 2023年度 業績予想
FY2023 Plan

4 Appendix

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 2
Company and Business Overview

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 3
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 4
Company Overview
会社名 株式会社ソラスト Name Solasto Corporation
創業 1965年10月(設立:1968年10月) Founded Oct. 1965 (established: Oct. 1968)
代表取締役社長 CEO 藤河 芳一 President and Representative Director, CEO, Yoshikazu Fujikawa
代表者 Representatives
代表取締役副社長 野田 亨 Executive Vice President, Representative Director, Toru Noda
上場取引所 東京証券取引所プライム市場 Stock listing TSE PRIME
社員数*1 34,219人(女性比率 約90%) No. of Employees*1 34,219(percentage of females: 90%)
• 医療関連受託事業:医療事務の受託等 • Medical Outsourcing Business: contracted services of medical clerical work, etc.
事業内容 • 介護事業:通所、訪問、施設等 Main businesses • Elderly Care Business: day service, home help, facility-based service, etc.
• こども事業、教育事業、スマートホスピタル事業 • Children Business, Education Business, Smart Hospital Business
本社所在地 東京都港区港南2-15-3 Headquarters 2-15-3 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
大東建託 33.8% Daito Trust Construction 33.8%
日本マスタートラスト信託銀行 9.7% Main The Master Trust Bank of Japan 9.7%
日本カストディ銀行 6.4% shareholders*2 Custody Bank of Japan 6.4%
※外国人投資家比率 24.0% ※Foreign shareholding ratio 24.0%
取締役7人(社内3人、社外4人) Directors: 7 (Inside Directors: 3, Outside Directors: 4 )
ガバナンス*3 Governance*3
監査役3名(常勤1人、社外2人) Corporate Auditors: 3 (Full-Time: 1, Outside: 2)

連結売上高 こども事業 連結営業利益
Net Sales Chirdren Business その他 Operating Profit こども 5億円
8% Others Children ¥0.5B

医療 89億円
Medical Outsourcing ¥8.9B
Elderly Care Business
FY2022 FY2022
37% 1,310億円 63億円
介護 25億円
¥131B Elderly Care ¥2.5B ¥6.3B その他 -6億円
Others ¥-0.6B
Medical Outsourcing Business
全社費用 -50億円
55% Corporate ¥-5B
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.54

From 1965 to 2022
⚫ 創業から57年、教育を祖業とし、今では医療を中心とした会社から医療・介護を中心とした会社となり、一貫して地域社会に根差した事業を営んでいる
⚫ MBO以降は10年連続増収増益を達成。ソラストは大きな変革を成し遂げている
⚫ It has been 57 years since the company was founded. The company started as an education business, then it focused on the medical outsourcing business, and it has
now become a company centered on medical outsourcing and elderly care. It has consistently engaged in businesses rooted in local communities
⚫ Sales and profits increased for 10 consecutive years since MBO. Solasto has significantly changed over the years

Approved as an over-the- MBO*、「ソラスト」に社名変更 スマートホスピタル事業開始
日本初の診療報酬請求業務の受託開始 counter stock by the Japan 保育事業開始 Started Smart Hospital
MBO*, Changed the name to
Launched Japan’s first outsourcing Securities Dealers Association Started child care business Business
reimbursement services

日本初の医療事務教育機関として創業 日本初の医療事務全面受託を開始 介護事業開始 再上場 新企業理念制定
Founded as Japan’s first training institution Started Japan’s first full contract medical Started elderly care business Re-listed Established new corporate
for medical administration work clerical work outsourcing business philosophy

スマートホスピタル こども
Smart Hospital Children

Elderly Care


Medical Outsourcing
Net Sales 教育

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.54

Performance by Main Business Segments(FY2012-FY2023 forecast)

●売上高 ●EBITDA* ●営業利益 ●営業利益率 ●EBITDAマージン
Net Sales Operating Profit Operating Profit Margin EBITDA Margin 億円 100Millions of yen

11.0% 11.3% 12.7% 12.8% 12.4% 11.6%
9.6% 9.7% 10.4%
医療関連 9.2% 9.1%
受託事業 7.0%

Medical 660

Outsourcing 536 556

Business 84 89

FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23修正予想

8.3% 9.0% 9.2% 11.3% 10.6% 9.7% 10.1% 9.8% 9.8%
4.6% 4.7%

4.7% 5.8% 4.9% 6.4% 5.8% 4.8% 5.4% 5.2% 5.4%

Elderly Care 423
Business 350

-2 -5 0
FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23修正予想
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.54

Medical Outsourcing Business: Service Contents
③ 診療報酬請求 ④ 料金計算 ⑤ カルテ管理 ⑦ 医師事務作業補助 ⑨ 各種クラーク

Medical billing Fee calculation Medical record management Physicians’ administrative assistants Ward clerk

① 受付 ② 会計 ⑥ 各診療科受付 ⑧ 各種補助 その他
Reservation office,
Regional alliances etc.

Reception Accounting Reception at Nursing aid Others
clinical departments

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 8
Medical Outsourcing Business: Robust Earning Base
⚫ 強い顧客ニーズ・高い参入障壁・安定した顧客基盤
⚫ Strong demand, high entry barriers, stable customer base

医療機関の強い外注ニーズ 業界シェア*1
Medical Institution’s Strong Needs for Outsourcing Market Share*1
⚫ 診療報酬請求業務の専門性
⚫ 煩雑な人材採用・人材育成 その他 21%
⚫ 生産性・サービスクオリティの改善
⚫ Medical billing (reimbursement) requires special expertise 約 2,000億円 26%
⚫ High turnover and frequent hiring and training
⚫ Productivity and quality improvement Approx.¥200B
Company A 53%
High Entry Barriers
⚫ 病院組織の特殊性
⚫ 派遣会社モデルの限界 安定した顧客基盤*2
⚫ Hospitals not easy customers
Stable Customer Base*2
⚫ Limitation of temporary worker dispatching model
契約継続年数 病院規模
Years since contract started Scale of hospital
ソラストの強み 3年未満
12% 200床未満
The Strengths of Solasto Less than 3 years 25% Less than 200 beds
⚫ 現場と本部の一体感(カイゼン・フォロー) 27% 3~9年
3 to 9 years
⚫ ICT活用によるサービスクオリティ向上 34% 200~399床
⚫ 対顧客コミュニケーション 200 to 399 beds

⚫ Integrated operation between on-site and headquarters (Kaizen&Follow-up) 61% 10年以上
Over 10 years 400床以上
⚫ Improving the quality of services through effective utilization of ICT 41% Over 400 beds
⚫ Strong customer communication skills

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.54

Medical Outsourcing Business: Market

医療事務の市場規模*1 医療関連サービスの委託率*2
Medical Outsourcing Market*1 Outsourcing Rate*2

7,800億円 100%
60% 37%
医療事務 滅菌消毒 患者等給食 院内清掃 検体検査
潜在市場 Medical
clerical work
Hospital food
Potential market

5,800億円 開設主体別の医療事務委託率*2
¥580B Outsourcing Rate of Medical Clerical Work by Sector *2

Actual market 21%
¥200B 公的病院 私的病院
Public hospital Private hospital
(n=273) (n=684)
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.54

Medical Outsourcing Business: Productivity Improvement

前年比増減益要因 生産性改善スプレッド
Analysis of Change in Profit 単位:百万円 Productivity Improvement Spread
Millions of yen

⑤ IT投資、他
③ 増収効果
IT investment and others
Growth in sales

③ ⑤ ④ 人材投資(処遇改善) ●除く新型コロナウイルス関連業務 売上高(FY15=100)
② Employee investments Sales Excluding COVID-19-related Sales (FY15=100)
Existing clients (Compensations)
price revisions ② ●社員数(FY15末=100) 132.2
④ Employee (End of FY15=100)
① 生産性改善 8,960 生産性改善
Productivity クオリティ向上
improvement ① Improvements in
Productivity and Quality
6,105 BPR* +18.7pt


FY18 プラス要因 マイナス要因 FY22
Positive Factor Negative Factor FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.54

Elderly Care Business: Total Care Services in Local Areas

地域トータルケア サービス別売上比率*3
Total Care Services in Local ‘Areas’ Revenue Share by Services*3

Within each living area for elderly persons, provide multiple elderly care services in その他
order to respond their needs Other 訪問介護
Home help

デイサービス 有料*1・サ高住*2 17%
Day service Nursing home and
Home help
居宅介護支援 Serviced residence
グループホーム for elderly
Care management
planning Group home
22% 2023
エリア 27%
Local Area

Service users 19% デイサービス
その他施設 Day service
Other facility-based services

医療との連携 有料*1、サ高住*2、 グループホーム 居宅介護支援
Hospitals Group home
医療関連事業における 小規模多機能、ショートステイ等 Care management planning
Connecting discharged
Nursing home, serviced residence for
顧客基盤との連携推進 patients with elderly care services
elderly, small scale multifunctional
care facility, short stay, etc.

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.54

Elderly Care Business:Focus on Large Cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya(Aichi)

展開エリア* サービス別事業所数
Business Operation Areas*
Number of Centers by Service
ヶ所 No. of centers

全国事業所数 727 727
Total number of business centers 648 663 88

関西 198 47 47 50
Kansai 108

大阪 Osaka 88 96

兵庫 Hyogo 47

京都 Kyoto 40

三重 Mie 14

その他 Other 9

関東 389
Kanto 2021/3末 2022/3末 2023/3末 2023/12末
東京 Tokyo 213 Mar.31 Mar.31 Mar.31 Dec.31
神奈川 Kanagawa 65 フランチャイズ:24
東海 52 千葉 Chiba 50 ●訪問介護 Home help

Tokai ●デイサービス Day service
大分 Oita 28 埼玉 Saitama 50
愛媛 Ehime 26 愛知 Aichi 47 ●居宅介護支援 Care management planning
福岡 Fukuoka 16
その他 Others 18 岐阜 Gifu 5
茨城 Ibaraki 9 ●グループホーム Group home
その他 Other 2 ●有料・サ高住 Nursing home and serviced residence for elderly
●その他 Others
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.54

Elderly Care Business : Market

Elderly Care Market*

25.8兆円 Reimbursement Changes
Apr. 2015
2017年4月(臨時) 処遇改善加算
Apr. 2017 (special revision)
+1.14% Additional reimbursement for
worker benefits

15.3兆円 2018年4月
Apr. 2018
11.2兆円 2019年10月(臨時)
¥11.2T Oct. 2019 (special revision)
+2.06% Additional reimbursement for
worker benefits, Treatments for
consumption tax raise
Apr. 2021
2022年10月(臨時) 処遇改善加算
Oct. 2022 (special revision)
+1.13% Additional reimbursement for
worker benefits

Apr. 2024
FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY25 FY40

Estimation (2018)

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.54

Children Business : Operates Licensed Child Care Centers Mainly in Tokyo

保育施設数 東京都内シェア(定員数)*1
No. of Child Care Centers Market Share in Tokyo (Capacity)*1
人 No. of children

ヶ所 No. of centers

68 Company A 6,758
66 Company B 5,934
Company C 5,050

東京都 7位
7th in Tokyo

18 47 48 50 ソラストの強み
The Strengths of Solasto
⚫ 保育理念:すべてはそこに暮らす子どもたちのために

⚫ 保育の質の向上:独自品質評価プログラム「SCIP」
⚫ 職員の安定:保育士離職率約12%*2 (FY18~22、過去5年平均)
2021/3末 2022/3末 2023/3末 2023/12末
⚫ 高い稼働率*3:約93%(2023年3月)
Mar.31 Mar.31 Mar.31 Dec.31
⚫ Philosophy of child care: All for the children of our communities
●認可保育所 Licensed
⚫ Improvement in the child care quality: Proprietary quality evaluation program “SCIP”
●認証保育所 Certified
⚫ Stability of Employees: Turnover rate*2 Aporox.12% (FY18-FY22, 5 year average)
●こども園 Certified early childhood education and care
⚫ High utilization rate*3: Aporox.93% (Mar.2023)
●小規模保育 Small-scale
●その他 Others

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.54

Children Business : Market

Child Care Market in Tokyo*
千人 Thousands of children
Estimation by Solasto Status and Major Issues of the Market & Industry

97.8% 95.4%
94.6% 92.5% ⚫ 需要の大きい安定したマーケットの存在
93.4% 91.9% 90.5% 89.8%
⚫ 再編・淘汰の時代
345 ⚫ Stable market with a great demand
324 323 323 328 ⚫ Entering an era of reorganization and shakeout for operators


●認可保育所 Licensed
●認証保育所 Certified Establish child care centers that parents choose
●こども園 Certified early childhood education and care
among others
●小規模保育 Small-scale
Aim to become a major operator with operating
●その他 Others
know-how cultivated over years
●認可保育所稼働率 Capacity utilization rate for licensed child care centers
(当社推計) (estimation by Solasto)

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

Performance of M&A
⚫ 2022年度M&Aは計5件、年換算売上約27億円
⚫ コロナ禍で苦戦しているものの、引き続き投資時の目線を上回る利益を着実に創出
⚫ Conducted 5 M&A deals in FY2022 with total annualized sales of 2.7 billion yen
⚫ Despite the struggles due to COVID-19 pandemic, we continued to generate steady returns which surpasses our investment level

M&A実績推移(全社)* M&A投資後の成果(介護M&A):EV/EBITDA倍率
M&A Track Record (All Segments)* PMI Outcome (Elderly Care M&A): EV/EBITDA Ratio
億円 100Millions of yen

●件数 No. of M&A: entities こども
11 11 (1) 取得時合計 FY2022実績
9 8 Total at Acquisitions FY2022 Results
6 6 (3) 5 (1)

93 こども
約 8倍 約 7倍
Annualized sales 80 Children
Approx. 8 times Approx. 7 times

当年度売上寄与額 51
Sales contribution for FY

27 医療
19 19 Medical
FY2016~FY2021買収計 案件数:47件、 EV:300億円

Elderly Care FY2016-FY2021 M&A Total No. of Deals: 47, Total EV: ¥30B

FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

Human Resource Initiative
⚫ 総合的な取り組みを継続・強化
⚫ ICT、科学的手法の活用
⚫ Continue and strengthen comprehensive initiatives
⚫ Utilization of ICT and scientific method

Initiatives for Human Resources (Maintaining and Improving Motivation)

コミュニケーションカード / アイデアMEMO
タブレット活用 / ソラスクール
タウンミーティング / 社員専用サイト
コミュニケーション 働き方アンケート 業務・職場改善 リーダートレーニング / 新ユニフォーム

Introducing tablet-type devices,
Communication card, Idea memo,
Communication Town meeting, Employee website,
Work environment Solasto training school, Leader training,
New uniform
Work style survey

ソラストポイント / 陣中見舞い / 事業所表彰
レコグニション プレジデントアワード 処遇改善 ウェルカムバック制度
Point system, Small token gift for
Highest childcare workers salary in Japan,
Recognition appreciation, Branch commendation, Compensation Increase 30% salary for hospital chief
President award
manager, Re-employment system

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 18
Human Resource Initiative
⚫ 定着率の向上、働きやすい、働き続けたい会社を目指す
⚫ Improving the retention rates by aiming to achieve comfortable workplace where employee want to stay

定着率*1 「今後もソラストで働きたいと思っている」Yes回答比率*2
Retention Rates*1 Employee Satisfaction Survey
Positive responses in “I want to continue working with Solasto” *2

Medical Outsourcing Business
80% Take further measures to achieve our target of 80%

FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22

Elderly Care Business

FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22
FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22
Survey method changed from FY2022
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

⚫ 女性活躍:女性管理職の更なる登用、上級管理職・経営層への積極登用も推進
⚫ Promoting women in the workplace: Further promotion of female managers, active promotions to senior administrative and management positions

女性の活躍推進 女性管理職比率*3
Promoting Women’s Empowerment Female in Manager Position*3

2023/4月時点 2024/3月末
As of Apr. 2023 End of Mar. 2024

44% 目標 約60%
Approx.60% (Target)

「えるぼし認定*1」3つ星取得 「くるみんマーク*2」取得
May 2021 “Eruboshi*1” “Kurumin*2 certification 90% of Solasto Group employees are female
certification three stars

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets & TCFD
⚫ 温室効果ガス排出量*1削減の長期環境目標を策定
⚫ 2030年度排出原単位*270%削減(2021年度比)、2050年度までに実質ゼロ
⚫ TCFD(気候関連財務情報開示タスクフォース)提言に基づく情報開示を開始
⚫ Established long-term targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions*1
⚫ Goals of reducing greenhouse gas emission intensity*2 by 70% (compared to FY2021) by FY2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by FY2050
⚫ Started disclosing information aligned with the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) recommendations

長期環境目標 TCFD提言に基づく情報開示
Long-term Environmental Targets Disclosures aligned with TCFD Recommendations

温室効果ガス排出原単位 温室効果ガス総排出量
GHG emission intensity GHG emission total volume

t-CO₂/拠点数 Down t-CO₂
29.5 centers 20,552 30%
70% 実質ゼロ


FY21 FY30 FY50 FY21 FY30 FY50 詳しくみる(日本語) → Learn more (EN) →
基準年度 基準年度
base year base year

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

Change in Corporate Governance Structure (since 2011)
As of Feb. 9 2024

名 Person

Company with
Corporate Auditors

取締役会 議長:社長
Board of Directors Chairman: President

社外取締役(独立役員比率) 4 4 4 5 4
Outside Directors
(independent rate)
(25%) (22%) (25%) (1/3) (29%*1)

Diversity 1 0 1 0 1
(Female and foreigners)
Corporate Officers 12 (2) 7 (2) 9 (0) 12 (0) 13 (1) 15 (2)
(Female and foreigners)

指名・評価報酬 2012評価委員会設置 指名・報酬機能追加 社外取締役過半数 独立社外取締役過半数 社外取締役過半数*1
任意 Nomination, evaluation 2012 Evaluation Added evaluation and Majority: became Majority: Independent Majority:
委員会 and compensation Committee compensation function Outside Directors Outside Directors Outside Directors*1
Committees 委員長:社外取締役 CG委員会設置
(non- Corporate Chairman: Outside Director
mandatory) CG committee
役員報酬 ストックオプション制度 Chairman: Outside Officer
RS program*2
Remuneration Stock option program

取締役会実効性評価 評価開始(アンケート)
Evaluation started
Board effectiveness evaluation
(questionnaire survey)
サステナビリティテーマ開示 環境目標・TCFD開示
Announced Disclosed Environment
Sustainability disclosures Sustainability Themes Target and TCFD

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

Medium-term Business Plan 2025 (FY2023 – 2025)

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 23
中期経営計画2025 全体方針
Medium-Term Business Plan 2025 Overall Policy

Medium-Term Business Plan 2025
Establish pillars for sustainable growth through exceptional differentiation of core businesses and aggressive investment in innovation

コア事業の圧倒的な差別化 ソラストの資産 持続的な成長に向けた柱の確立
Exceptional differentiation of core businesses Assets of Solasto Establish pillars for sustainable growth
人材力とテクノロジーの活用によるサービス現場の変革 ⚫ 人への投資 ⚫ コア事業
生産性改善 / 顧客価値向上 / 価格競争力向上 • 教育による専門性の追求 • 圧倒的な差別化
• 人に関する施策 • 介護M&Aによる成長
Reform service by leveraging human
resources and technology
コミュニケーション / レコグニション / 業務職場改善 / 処遇改善 • M&A以外の成長手段の育成・強化
Improving productivity/Customer value/Price competitiveness
⚫ Investment to people ⚫ Core businesses
• Foster expertise through education • Exceptional differentiation
• Initiatives for Human Resource • Growth by M&A in Elderly Care Business
Communication/Recognition/Work environment/Compensation • Develop and foster the growth drivers
イノベーションへの積極投資 other than M&A
Aggressive investment in innovation
⚫ M&A・PMI*
iisy・プラットフォーム化 / 科学的介護・ヘルステック ⚫ スマートホスピタル→データビジネス
• ソラストのユニークネス
データビジネス / 既存事業での新規取り組み • 新たな競争力の源泉となる事業の育成
• 積極的に取り組み・強化
⚫ Smart Hospital Business to Data Business
iisy・Platform/Scientific elderly care and HealthTech • Uniqueness of Solasto
• Cultivate businesses that will become new
Data business/New initiatives in existing businesses • Proactively address and strengthen sources of competitiveness

Sustainability = foundation of long-term growth

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

Outline of Business Strategy
⚫ 戦略を大きくは変えないが、コロナ禍からの回復に加えて、外部環境変化に対応した取り組みを加速する
⚫ While our strategy will not change significantly, we will accelerate our efforts to respond to changes in the external environment in addition to our recovery from the
COVID-19 pandemic

Mid-term Key Strategy
医療関連 ⚫
⚫ 医事業務DXによるクオリティと生産性向上
医療業務DXによるクオリティと生産性向上 ⚫ Improve quality and productivity of medical administration
受託事業 ⚫
⚫ 新規顧客獲得
新規顧客獲得 services through DX
⚫ Acquire new customers

⚫ 顧客満足度向上に伴う既存顧客の失注防止
Medical ⚫ Improve customer satisfaction and prevent the loss of
Outsourcing ⚫
⚫ 新規サービス開発
新規サービス開発 existing customers
Business ⚫ Develop new services

⚫ 現場第一主義の再徹底とコロナ禍からの既存事業所回復
現場第一主義の再徹底とコロナ禍からの既存事業所回復 ⚫ Reinforce the field-first principle and recovery of existing
介護事業 ⚫
⚫ 積極的なM&Aの継続と丁寧なPMI
積極的なM&Aの継続と丁寧なPMI business from COVID-19 pandemic

⚫ 科学的介護の導入による差別化推進
科学的介護の導入による差別化推進 ⚫ Continue aggressive M&A and careful PMI
Elderly Care 新規サービス開発 ⚫ Promote differentiation by introducing scientific elderly care

⚫ 新規サービス開発 KPI
⚫ Develop new services

⚫ PMI推進とM&A前のEBITDAマージン水準回復 KGI
こども事業 ⚫
⚫ PMI推進とM&A前のEBITDAマージン水準回復
新規サービス開発 ⚫ Promote PMI and recover EBITDA margins to the level prior
⚫ 新規サービス開発 to M&A
Children ⚫ Develop new services
⚫ スタンダードプランの確立と生産性向上
スマート ⚫
⚫ スタンダードプランの確立と生産性向上
サービスの拡張と新サービス開発 ⚫ Establish a standard plan and improve productivity
⚫ サービスの拡張と新サービス開発 ⚫ Expand services and develop new services
Smart Hospital

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 25
Key Goal Indicators
⚫ 2025年度に達成を目指す重要成果指標を設定
⚫ Key Goal Indicators to achieve in FY2025 are set as below

FY2025 KGI

介護M&A 新規サービス* リモート医事サービス デジタルヘルスケア
Elderly Care M&A New services* Remote medical administration service Digital healthcare

売上高 180億円以上上積み 構成比 3%以上 契約医療機関数 1,500件以上 売上高 約 10億円
Increase sales by ¥18B
Composition ratio: 3% or more Turn profitable, Number of Sales approx. ¥1B
or more through M&A
institution 1,500 or more

サービス品質 定着率 ダイバーシティ コンプライアンス
Service quality Retention rate Diversity Compliance

顧客満足度向上 社員処遇を %10 定着率 85% 1/3以上 重大事故 0件
Improve customer
satisfaction Retention rate 85% Female manager ratio 0 serious accident
Increase 10% or more
over 1/3

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

Financial Targets
⚫ コア事業の成長・回復と新規事業の投資・収益化を果たすことで、売上・利益の高成長を実現する
⚫ 高水準のROE・ROICを維持・向上し、価値創造(ROIC>WACC)を果たす
⚫ Achieve high growth in sales and profit by growing and recovering core businesses and investment in and monetizing new business
⚫ Maintain and improve high level ROE and ROIC to achieve value creation (ROIC>WACC)

FY2022 実績 FY2025 目標
億円 100Millions of yen Results Target

売上高 1,310 1,650 +8.0%
Net Sales ¥131.0B ¥165.0B

EBITDA 94 150 +16.6%
¥9.4B ¥15.0B
連結PL 営業利益 63 100 +16.5%
Consolidated PL Operating Profit ¥6.3B ¥10.0B

経常利益 67 98 +13.2%
Ordinary Profit ¥6.7B ¥9.8B

当期純利益 31 57 +21.6%
Net Income ¥3.1B ¥5.7B
財務指標 ROE 15.2% Approx. 約20%
Indicators ROIC 9.1% >10%
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

Cash Allocation and Dividend Policy
⚫ キャッシュ・アロケーション:介護M&A、スマートホスピタル事業への成長投資を優先
⚫ 配当施策:各年度の1株当たり年間配当金は20円。配当方針は従来通り
⚫ Cash allocation: prioritize growth investments to M&A in Elderly Care Business as well as to Smart Hospital Business
⚫ Dividend policy: dividend policy is unchanged and dividend per share for each fiscal year is 20 yen

キャッシュ・アロケーション(FY23~25累計) 配当施策
Cash Allocation (FY23-25, accumulated) Dividend Policy

Bank loan
DPS(yen) 各年度 20.0円
¥20.0 per year

介護M&A 約180億円

Elderly Care M&A 成長投資
Approx. ¥18B Growth
Investments 配当方針
営業CF等 Dividend policy
Operating スマートホスピタル・新規等
CF, etc. Smart Hospital,
other new businesses ⚫ 当面の配当を20円とし、キャッシュフローを成長投資に振り向ける
効率化投資等 ⚫ 連結配当性向30%程度となった時点で配当施策を再検討
Investment to improve efficiency

株主還元 約60億円 ⚫ Set dividend at 20 yen for the foreseeable future and allocate
Shareholder return approx.¥6B cash flows to growth investments
⚫ Reviews dividend policy when the consolidated dividend payout
Cash In Cash Out ratio falls to around 30%

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 28
Targets by Segments

売上高 EBITDA 営業利益
Net Sales Operating Profit

百万円 Millions of yen FY2022 FY2025 CAGR FY2022 FY2025 CAGR FY2022 FY2025 CAGR

Medical 72,029 78,000 +2.7% 9,020 10,750 +6.0% 8,960 10,700 +6.1%

Elderly Care 48,536 72,000 +14.0% 4,748 9,250 +24.9% 2,521 5,200 +27.3%

Children 9,930 10,500 +1.9% 1,028 1,300 +8.1% 504 800 +16.6%

591 4,500 +96.7% -587 400 ー -607 200 ー

Corporate ー ー ー ー -5,053 -6,900 ー

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

Business Strategy: Medical Outsourcing Business

事業部門方針 FY2025目標
Business Policy Target

⚫ 医事業務DXによるクオリティと生産性向上 売上高 営業利益 営業利益率
• 当社業務の付加価値及び生産性向上のためのDX:生産性10%
向上目標 78,000百万円 10,700百万円 13.7%
Sales Operating profit Operating profit margin
⚫ 新規顧客獲得 Million yen Million yen
• 次世代オペレーションを通じた新営業プロセス導入による営業活動の
• 病院の価値を高めるためのDX:提案力向上
営業利益の増減要因(2022年度 対 2025年度)
⚫ 顧客満足度向上に伴う既存顧客の失注防止 Positive/Negative Impact in OP​ (FY2022 vs FY2025)
⚫ 新規サービス開発 価格適正化 処遇改善

⚫ Improve the quality and productivity of medical
administration services through DX 投資等
• DX to increase the added value and productivity of our Existing Clients Employee
Investments Investment
services ー productivity improvement target of 10% 新型コロナ関連 Price Revisions
(Compensations) and others

⚫ Acquire new customers COVID-19 Growth
related in Sales
• Improve the reproducibility of structured sales activities by
introducing new sales processes with next-generation operations
• DX to enhance hospital value ー improve proposal capabilities

⚫ Prevent the loss of existing customers by improving
customer satisfaction
⚫ Develop new services
FY22 実績 FY25 目標
Results Target

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 30
Business Strategy: Elderly Care Business

事業部門方針 2025年度目標
Business Policy Target

⚫ 現場第一主義の再徹底とコロナ禍からの既存事業所回復 売上高 EBITDA 営業利益 営業利益率
• 現場フォロー強化/従業員エンゲージメント向上
• デイサービス:年平均稼働率 +7.0pt 72,000百万円 9,250百万円 5,200百万円 7.2%
Sales Million yen Operating profit Operating profit
• 有料老人ホーム:年平均稼働率 +4.0pt​
Million yen Million yen margin
⚫ 積極的なM&Aの継続と丁寧なPMI
⚫ 科学的介護の導入による差別化推進
• 施設系サービスでの居室内センサー導入 営業利益の増減要因(2022年度 対 2025年度)
• デイサービスでの栄養管理プロセス導入によるフレイル対策 Positive/Negative Impact in OP​ (FY2022 vs FY2025)
⚫ 新規サービス開発
M&A その他
(M&A費用含) 新規事業所
⚫ Reinforce the field-first principle and enable the recovery 既存事業所 New business centers
of existing business centers affected by the COVID-19 (処遇改善含)
pandemic (including M&A costs)
• Strengthen site follow-up and improve employee engagement
• Day service: average annual utilization rate +7.0pt
• Nursing homes: average annual occupancy rate +4.0pt

⚫ Continue aggressive M&A activities and careful PMI Existing business centers
(including compensation
⚫ Promote differentiation by introducing scientific elderly
• Introduction of in-room sensors in facility-based services
• Introduction of nutrition management processes in day services
aiming for frailty prevention
FY22 実績 FY25 目標
⚫ Develop new services Results Target

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 31
Business Strategy: Children Business

事業部門方針 2025年度目標
Business Policy FY2025 Target

⚫ PMI推進とM&A前のEBITDAマージン水準回復 売上高 EBITDA EBITDAマージン 営業利益 営業利益率
• 安心・安全の園運営の徹底・継続
• 稼働率の向上 10,500百万円 1,300百万円 12.4% 800百万円 7.6%
Sales Million yen EBITDA Margin Operating profit Operating profit
• 職員の定着率向上
Million yen Million yen margin
⚫ 新規サービス開発
• 英会話、学童等、ステークホルダーとの関係性強化
Nap check system

⚫ Promote PMI and return the EBITDA
margin to the level prior to M&A
• Thorough and continued safety and security in
the operation of child care centers
• Improve utilization rate
• Improve retention rate

⚫ Develop new services
• Strengthen English education and after school
services, improve relationships with
stakeholders 園児の衣類に「午睡センサー」を装着
Attach a “nap sensor” to clothes

Picture provided by UniFa
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 32
Mid-term Key Strategy: ESG

Environment Social Governance

⚫ CO₂排出削減の推進 ⚫ 女性管理職・役員の育成と登用の促進 ⚫ 取締役会の実効性向上
(LED化、省エネ性能の高い給湯器・空 (2025年度までに総合職女性管理職 ⚫ 子会社の統制向上
調機への入替え積極化) 比率1/3以上、女性役員人数5人)
⚫ 拠点あたりCO₂排出量-10% ⚫ 障がい者雇用の拡充

⚫ Promote reduction of CO₂ emissions ⚫ Promote the development and ⚫ Improve the effectiveness of the Board
(improve LED use, actively replace promotion of female managers and of Directors
water heaters and air conditioners with executives (one-third female manager ⚫ Improve subsidiary controls
higher energy-saving performance) ratio and 5 female executives by
⚫ CO₂ emissions per site -10% FY2025)
(compared to FY2021) ⚫ Expand employment of people with

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 33
Medium- and Long-term Direction and Positioning
⚫ 「2030年のソラスト」は、企業理念を実現するための、2030年時点でのソラストのありたい姿
⚫ 中期経営計画2025は、2030年に向けて、持続的に成長していくための支柱作りとなる3か年と位置付ける
⚫ “Solasto in 2030” is the ideal form that Solasto should take in 2030 towards the realization of our corporate philosophy
⚫ Medium-Term Business Plan 2025 is positioned as a 3-year period for creating pillars for sustainable growth toward 2030

外部環境 Afterコロナ IT企業の労働集約型ビジネスへの関与加速 企業理念
External factors Post COVID-19 Acceleration of IT companies' involvement in 私たちは、人とテクノロジーの
labor-intensive businesses 融合により、「安心して暮らせる
Low birthrate, aging population, インフレ・賃上げ 地域社会」を支え続けます。
declining workforce Inflation and wage increase
Corporate Philosophy
社会保障費増大・財政逼迫 M&A競争激化 People. Technology.
Increased social security Increased competition for M&A
expenditures and financial Supporting comfortable living
pressure and energetic communities
Accelerated evolution and use 2030年のソラスト
of technology
Solasto in 2030
Business Plan 2025

2023 2030年数値目標 長期環境目標
現在 2030 numerical goals Long-term environmental targets
医療DX推進 データビジネス開発
2012 Present Promoting medical DX Developing data business
MBO M&A in Elderly
スマートホスピタル サステナビリティテーマ
Smart Hospital Sustainability Themes
Care Business
生産性改善 IT投資
Promoting elderly care based on scientific
Productivity IT investment
evidence (scientific elderly care)
improvement Solasto’s missions
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 34
2023年度 業績予想
FY2023 Plan

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 35
Forecast (Revised on February 8,2024)
⚫ 介護事業のM&Aや医療関連受託事業における新規受注の貢献で3.0%増収。社員エンゲージメントを優先した例年以上の賃上げ(前年賃上げ額
⚫ 当期純利益は、オフィス統合に伴う減損損失や事業構造改革・社内組織再編に伴って発生する構造改革費用等による減益要因があるものの、M&Aに
⚫ The growth in the net sales is driven by M&A activities in the Elderly Care Business and new contracts in the Medical Outsourcing Business. Operating profit decreases
due mainly to a compensation improvement, which is higher than usual (+0.57 billion yen compared to the previous year’s raise), conducted as a measure for employee
⚫ The increase in net income is due to the one-time effect of recording a gain on negative goodwill in association with M&A activity, which offset the negative factors
including extraordinary losses for the impairment losses on non-current assets due to a consolidation of offices, and business restructuring expenses arising from the
restructuring of businesses and reorganization within the Company

FY2022 実績 FY2023 予想
Results Forecast
百万円 Millions of yen

売上高 Net Sales 131,088 135,000 +3.0%

EBITDA EBITDA 9,462 8,830
(同率) (Margins) (7.2%) (6.5%)

営業利益 Operating Profit 6,325 5,430
(同率) (Margins) (4.8%) (4.0%)

経常利益 Ordinary Profit 6,747 5,440 -19.4%

当期純利益 Net Income 3,172 4,250 +33.9%

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 36
Forecast by Segments
⚫ 売上高:介護事業の2022年度・2023年度M&Aが貢献、医療関連受託事業は新規受注が貢献するもコロナ関連業務の特需が剥落
⚫ 営業利益:例年以上の賃上げに伴う人件費の増加、医療関連受託事業の新規受託に伴う立ち上げ費用の増加等の影響により減益
⚫ Net sales: The growth in Elderly Care Business is driven by FY2022 and FY2023 M&A activities. The decrease in Medical Outsourcing Business is due to the decline in
sales of COVID-19-related services
⚫ Operating profit: The decrease is mainly due to the increase in personnel expenses resulting from an improvement in compensation, which is higher than usual, and an
increase in start-up costs for new contracts in the Medical Outsourcing Business

売上高 EBITDA 営業利益
Net Sales Operating Profit
FY22 FY23 YoY YoY FY22 FY23 YoY YoY FY22 FY23 YoY YoY
実績 予想 (%) 実績 予想 (%) 実績 予想 (%)
百万円 Millions of yen
Results Forecast Results Forecast Results Forecast

72,029 70,300 -1,729 -2.4% 9,020 8,260 -760 -8.4% 8,960 8,150 -810 -9.0%
Medical Outsourcing Business
48,536 54,100 +5,563 +11.5% 4,748 5,320 +571 +12.0% 2,521 2,900 +379 +15.0%
Elderly Care Business
9,930 10,100 +169 +1.7% 1,028 1,020 -8 -0.8% 504 520 +15 +3.1%
Children Business
473 350 -124 -26.1% 23 -20 -44 ー 11 -40 -52 ー
Education Business
97 190 +93 +95.4% -613 -520 +94 ー -621 -540 +82 ー
Smart Hospital Business
20 -40 -61 ー -4,745 -5,230 -484 ー -5,050 -5,560 -510 ー
Corporate Expenses and Others
合計 131,088 135,000 +3,911 +3.0% 9,462 8,830 -633 -6.7% 6,325 5,430 -896 -14.2%

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 37

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 38
Corporate Philosophy (Since April 1, 2022)

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 39


2030年数値目標 とサステナビリティテーマ を達成し、

Solasto in 2030
Solasto in 2030 has incomparably revolutionized labor-intensive services and changed the game in the medical
outsourcing and elderly care industries, making itself the number one company in the industry

It has achieved both its 2030 Numerical Goals and its Sustainability Themes
and become a company that is essential to local communities and customers

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 40
XXXXX 2030年のソラストに向けて
⚫ ソラストの企業価値の源泉は 、人が提供するサービス力である 。人にしかできないサービス力の追求と 、道具としての
⚫ ソラストは、医療事務や介護などのサービス現場を持ち、最も現場を理解している企業として、現場のデータを有用に活用する。
⚫ ソラストは、高齢社会や地域への貢献、社会保障費適正化といった社会課題の解決への貢献度を高めるとともに、
⚫ ソラストは、お客様に適正な価格でサービス提供し、社員の処遇を高め、適正な利益率を確保する。また、成長の果実は
⚫ 社員の処遇を2022年度比1.3倍以上に引き上げるとともにエンゲージメントを高め、社員が長く働き続けたいと思える会社となる

Towards achieving Solasto in 2030
⚫ The source of Solasto’s corporate value is its service capabilities provided by our people. Improve productivity and quality by 30% or more by pursuing
service capabilities that only people can provide and by making full use of technology as a tool
⚫ Solasto is a company that has sites providing services such as medical administration and elderly care services and is the company that best
understands fields, so it leverages field site data. To improve the QOL of customers and the elderly, we will engage in businesses that target the
comprehensive community care and prevention of illness
⚫ Solasto will increase its contribution to the resolution of social issues, such as its contributions to an aging society and local communities, and the
optimization of social security expenditures. At the same time, it will create a highly sustainable corporate model and become a leader in sustainability
in the industry
⚫ Solasto shall provide services to customers at a reasonable price, increase the employee compensation, and secure an appropriate profit margin.
Solasto will share the benefits of its growth with all stakeholders, including employees and shareholders
⚫ Solasto will increase employee compensation to more than 1.3 times the level in FY2022, increase engagement, and become a company where
employees want to continue working for the long term
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 41
Long-term Goals
⚫ 2030年に向けた数値目標は、持続可能な社会に向けた取り組みと共に、引き続き長期的に目指す姿として位置付ける
⚫ 2030 numerical goals will continue as a long-term goal, along with efforts to achieve a sustainable society

2030 Numerical goals

売上高 : 3,000億円 売上高
Net Sales
O.P Margin
理念体系 Net Sales ¥300B 医療関連受託事業
Philosophy Systems 1,000億円 15%
Medical Outsourcing
営業利益 : Business

Operating Profit ¥20B 介護事業
Elderly Care
1,500億円 10%
Business ¥150B
Corporate Philosophy 医療・介護業界で業績No.1の達成 新規・他
New Business
500億円 15%
Establish ourselves as Industry leader in
and Others ¥50B
medical outsourcing and elderly care

2030年数値目標 サステナビリティテーマ
2030 Numerical goals Sustainability Themes
Sustainability Themes
Medium-term Business Plan
Initiatives to Address Social Issues through Business Activities
コアコンピタンス 高齢社会・地域への貢献 イノベーション・社会保障費適正化への貢献
Core Competence Contributing to an Aging Society and Local Communities Innovation and Contribution to Optimizing Social Security Expenditures

Solasto Way・ソラストグループ行動規範
Corporate Code of Conduct
Management Foundation
人財(人財開発、処遇改善、多様性) コンプライアンス、ガバナンス 環境・資源への配慮
Human Capital (Human Resource Development,
Compensation Improvement, and Diversity)
× Compliance and Governance × Consideration for Environment
and Resources

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 42
Foundation of Philosophy
⚫ 差別化・競争優位性の源泉として磨き続けるコアコンピタンス
⚫ 社員の行動・価値観のよりどころとなる「Solasto Way」
⚫ Continue to enhance our core competence as the source of our distinctiveness and competitive advantage
⚫ Embrace the Solasto Way as the guide for employee conduct and values

理念体系 Core Competence
Philosophy Systems

Corporate Philosophy The ability to apply expert human resources and technology
towards service reform and creative innovation in the workplace.

2030年数値目標 サステナビリティテーマ
2030 Numerical goals Sustainability Themes Solasto Way

Medium-term Business Plan

Core Competence
Solasto Way・ソラストグループ行動規範
Corporate Code of Conduct
ポジティブにふるまう 一人ひとりの違いを 助け合えるチームになる イノベーションの種を
受け入れ、協働する みんなで育てる
Be Positive Diversity, Collaboration One Team Innovation

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 43
Elderly Care Business: Total Care Services in Local Area

As of December 2022

Sales volume (100 millions of yen) 485 売上規模(億円)
Sales volume (100 millions of yen) 1,500
エリア数 エリア数
No. of local areas 150 No. of local areas 300

達成率 13%
Achievement ratio
Expand the number of areas & covered services
X 100%
Add missing services

Coverage ratio*1 訪問 64% Home help service

通所 59% Day service

居宅 44% Care management planning
グループホーム 43% Group home

その他施設系*2 40% Other facility-based*2

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.55

Financial Indicators

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 目標・目安
Forecast※ Target

ROE ROE 20.1% 18.1% 15.2% 19%*1 >15%

ROIC ROIC 10.0% 8.8% 9.1% 7% >10%

ハードルレート Hurdle rate 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% -

WACC*2 WACC*2 6.0% 6.1% 6.1% - -

Net debt/EBITDA倍率*3:倍 Net debt/EBITDA*3 : x 1.5 2.1 1.5 - < 3.5

D/Eレシオ*4:倍 Debt/equity ratio*4 : x 1.2 1.4 1.2 - -

FCF(営業CF+投資CF) Free cash flow 2,912 -1,927 6,840 - -
単位:百万円 (Millions of yen)

1株当たり配当額 Dividend per share 30%までは
19.5 20.0 20.0 20.0
単位:円 (yen) 20円維持
20 yen to be continued
配当性向(連結) Consolidated dividend payout ratio 52.0% 53.9% 59.6% 44.1% until the payout ratio
falls to 30%

(Revised on February 8,2024)
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.56

Consolidated Income Statement

FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 予想※
百万円 Millions of yen

売上高 Net Sales 63,070 65,413 74,329 84,251 95,719 106,182 117,239 131,088 135,000

EBITDA EBITDA 3,918 4,233 5,195 6,544 7,416 8,402 8,917 9,462 8,830

EBITDAマージン EBITDA Margin 6.2% 6.5% 7.0% 7.8% 7.7% 7.9% 7.6% 7.2% 6.5%

営業利益 Operating Profit 3,311 3,654 4,188 5,030 5,465 6,062 6,319 6,325 5,430

Operating Profit
5.3% 5.6% 5.6% 6.0% 5.7% 5.7% 5.4% 4.8% 4.0%

経常利益 Ordinary Profit 3,308 3,626 4,164 5,011 5,374 6,075 6,297 6,747 5,440

当期純利益 Net Income 1,993 2,473 2,710 3,506 4,739 3,538 3,502 3,172 4,250

ROE ROE 23.4% 26.4% 24.5% 27.2% 30.9% 20.1% 18.1% 15.2% 19%

EPS*: yen 23.50 28.51 29.53 37.50 50.33 37.51 37.08 33.53 45.35

(Revised on February 8,2024)
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.56

Consolidated Balance Sheets

2022年3月末 2023年3月末
百万円 Millions of yen Mar.31, 2022 Mar.31, 2023
流動資産 Current assets
現金及び預金 Cash and deposits 10,340 11,957
売掛金 Accounts receivable - trade 15,729 13,850
その他 Others 1,848 2,356
流動資産合計 Total current assets 27,918 28,164
固定資産 Non-current assets
建物及び構築物 Buildings and structures-net 9,224 9,228
土地 Land 2,677 2,695
のれん Goodwill 18,283 16,656
その他 Others 12,641 13,108
固定資産合計 Total non-current assets 42,826 41,688 補足情報
資産合計 Total assets 70,745 69,852 Supplementary Information
流動負債 Current liabilities 未払金
短期借入金 Short-term borrowings 5,177 500 ・社員給与
1年内返済予定の長期借入金 Current portion of long-term borrowings 4,260 3,682
未払金 Accounts payable-other 8,923 9,198 ・25,057百万円(2022年3月末)
その他 Others 7,544 7,000 ↓
流動負債合計 Total current liabilities 25,905 20,382
固定負債 Non-current liabilities
長期借入金 Long-term borrowings 15,619 18,275 Accounts payable-other
・Employee salary
その他 Others 9,070 9,622
固定負債合計 Total non-current liabilities 24,689 27,897 Bank loan
負債合計 Total liabilities 50,595 48,280 ・¥25,057M(as of Mar.31, 2022)

純資産 Total net assets 20,149 21,572
・¥22,458M(as of Mar.31, 2023)
負債純資産合計 Total liabilities and net assets 70,745 69,852
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 47
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

百万円 Millions of yen FY2021 FY2022
税金等調整前当期純利益 Profit before income taxes 5,641 5,418
減価償却費 Depreciation 1,197 1,402
のれん償却額 Amortization of goodwill 1,400 1,733
減損損失 Impairment loss 813 664
法人税等の支払額 Income taxes paid -2,106 -2,189
その他 Others -1,426 1,983
営業CF Net cash provided by operating activities 5,519 9,012
有形固定資産の取得による支出 Purchase of property, plant and equipment -271 -1,032
有形固定資産の売却による収入 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 9 22 Supplementary Information(Amortization and Investments)
無形固定資産の取得による支出 Purchase of intangible assets -527 -292
投資有価証券の取得による支出 Purchase of investment securities ー -403 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
事業譲受による支出 Payments for acquisition of businesses -474 -193 Forecast※
子会社株式の取得による支出 Purchase of shares of subsidiaries -6,677 ー 償却 Amortization
その他 Others 494 -271
減価償却費 Depreciation 1,197 1,402 1,570
投資CF Net cash used in investing activities -7,446 -2,171
Amortization of
短期借入金(借入ー返済) Short-term borrowings (borrowed-return) 2,986 -4,712 のれん償却額 goodwill
1,400 1,733 1,830

長期借入金(借入ー返済) Long-term borrowings (borrowed-return) 2,254 1,737 償却合計 Amortization total 2,597 3,136 3,400
配当金の支払額 Dividends paid -1,888 -1,891 投資 Investment
その他 Others -150 -344
設備投資 CAPEX 983 1,176 ー
財務CF Net cash used in financing activities 3,201 -5,211
M&A M&A 7,151 172 ー
現金及び現金同等物の増減額 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,274 1,628
現金及び現金同等物の期首残高 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 8,953 10,228 投資有価証券取得 Equity investment ー 403 ー

現金及び現金同等物の期末残高 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 10,228 11,857 投資合計 Investment total 8,135 1,751 ー
FCF(営業CF+投資CF) Free cash flows -1,927 6,840
(Revised on February 8,2024)
(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 48
⚫ 医療事務・介護・保育を本業とするソラストグループは、事業を通じて社会課題の解決に積極的に貢献する
⚫ The Solasto Group, whose main businesses are Medical Outsourcing, Elderly Care, and Children Businesses, actively contributes to solving social issues through its
business activities


経営資源 事業活動 ステークホルダーへの価値提供 目指す姿
Management Resources Business Operations Value provided for Stakeholders Objectives

ヒト Human Capital
30,000 of employees 医療関連受託事業
Medical Outsourcing Business
モノ Products & Services
お客様 取引先 2030年数値目標
Customers Partners 2030 Numerical Goals
安心・安全・質の高いサービス、 介護事業
600か所以上の介護事業所、ICT Elderly Care Business
Safe, reliable, and high-quality services
Over 600 Elderly Care Business centers, ICT
こども事業 地域・社会
Children Business Community & society
カネ Financial Capital
キャッシュの安定創出 教育事業
Stable cash flows
Education Business 株主・投資家 サステナビリティテーマ
従業員 Sustainability Themes
情報・知財 Information & Intellectual スマートホスピタル事業 Employees
& investors
医療事務ノウハウ、介護データ、M&A・PMIノウハウ Smart Hospital Business
Medical outsourcing know-hows
Elderly care data, M&A PMI know-hows

Core competencies, compliance and governance, and business plans that support value creation

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 49
Sustainability Themes : Established 5 Sustainability Themes to tackle what the Group can do, what it should do, and what it should challenge.

Management foundation
Initiatives to address social issues through business activities
高齢社会・地域への貢献 Human Capital (Human Resource Development, Compensation Improvement, and Diversity)
Contributing to an Aging Society and Local Communities
⚫ 人財開発、定着率向上、処遇改善、従業員満足向上の継続的な取組み
⚫ 安心・安全・質の高いサービスの提供 ⚫ 3万人の従業員がそれぞれの個性・働き方で活躍する多様性の推進
⚫ 「自立支援と地域トータルケア」による超高齢社会への貢献
⚫ Continuous efforts to develop human resources and improve
⚫ トータルケアサービス、地域包括ケアの実現
retention rate, compensation, and employee satisfaction
⚫ Providing safe, reliable, and high-quality services ⚫ Promoting diversity in which 30,000 employees are active in
⚫ Contributing to a super-aged society through their respective personalities and working styles
"support for self-reliance of elderly people and total
care services in each local areas“
⚫ Realization of total care services and the integrated
community care system
Compliance and Governance
⚫ 全ての事業活動の基盤として、コンプライアンス遵守、コーポレート・ガバナンス強化を推進
イノベーション・社会保障費適正化への貢献 ⚫ 個人情報保護、公正取引の徹底
Innovation and Contribution to Optimizing Social Security Expenditures
⚫ Promoting compliance and strengthening corporate governance as the
⚫ 全ての事業・オペレーションでのICT活用、顧客満足および生産性の飛躍的向上
foundation for all business activities
⚫ ICTを主体とした事業の拡大・新規事業の創出
⚫ Ensuring the protection of personal information and fair trade
⚫ ICT・データ活用による地域包括ケアの実現
⚫ ヘルスケアデータ利活用による科学的介護・予防介護・予防医療等を通じた社会保

⚫ Utilize ICT in all businesses and operations, dramatically improve
customer satisfaction and productivity 環境・資源への配慮
⚫ Expansion of ICT-centered businesses and creation of new Consideration for Environment and Resources
⚫ Realization of integrated community care system through ICT ⚫ 従業員一人ひとりがエネルギー・水資源利用、フードロス等の課題について意識し、行動に反映
and data utilization ⚫ 脱炭素社会にむけた取り組みの規制に先駆けた検討・実行
⚫ Contributing to the rationalization of social security expenditures
through scientific elderly care, preventive care, preventive ⚫ Each employee is aware of issues such as energy and water resource use
medicine, etc. through the utilization of healthcare data and food loss, and reflects in their actions
⚫ Review and implement initiatives ahead of regulations for a carbon-free

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 50
Non-Financial Data 1

内容 単位 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 備考
Contents unit remarks

Provision of services to medical
取引先医療機関数 件 約1,400 約1,400 約1,400 約1,500
Client medical institutions institutions Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
institutions nationwide

事業所数 ヶ所
Business centers centers

As of Mar. 31
利用者数 名
Users users
21,535 30,039 29,949 30,128
高齢社会・地域への貢献 介護トータルケアサービスの実現
Realization of total care service
Contributing to an Aging 展開エリア数 エリア
Society and Local
for elderly care
Areas areas
- 143 148 150
Communities 12月末時点
トータルケア実現率 As of Dec. 31
realization of total care % - 12 12 13

保育施設数 ヶ所
Child care facilities centers

保育サービス提供 3月末時点
Provision of child care services As of Mar. 31
園児数 名
Users users
712 900 3,385 3,701

適正化への貢献 生産性スプレッド(医療)
生産性向上 FY15比
Innovation and Contribution
Productivity improvement
Productivity spread (Medical pt +13.5 +17.0 +17.5 +18.7 Against FY15
to Optimize Social Security Outsourcing Business)

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 51
Non-Financial Data 2

内容 単位 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 備考
Contents unit remarks
研修コンテンツ数 件
Educational programs programs

Human resource development 研修コンテンツ数前年比
Educational programs (YoY)
% - +12.4 +12.9 +19.6

多様性 女性管理職比率 課長相当職以上
人財(人財開発、処遇改善、 Diversity Female managers
% 45 44 44 44 Sectional manager
or higher positions
Human Capital FY22より調査方
(Human Resource
% +7.3 +2.4 -1.5 -2.9 法を変更
Survey method
Development, Compensation changed from FY2022
Improvement, Diversity)
処遇改善・働き方・定着等 定着率前年比(医療)
Compensation improvement, Retention rate (Medical % +0.8 +2.8 -2.0 -1.6
lifestyle, retention rate, others Outsourcing Business)
Retention rate (Elderly Care % +2.9 +2.3 -3.6 -0.8

Scope1+2+3 t-CO₂ - 24,651 27,354 30,466
Scope1+2 t-CO₂ - 18,375 20,552 22,391
環境・資源への配慮 Scope3 t-CO₂ - 6,276 6,802 8,075
温室効果ガス排出量* 連結実績
Consideration for Consolidated
GHG emissions* 温室効果ガス排出原単位
Environment and Resources
GHG emissions intensity t-CO₂ - 30.2 29.5 29.7
(t-CO₂/business centers,

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved.
* P.56

Sustainability Disclosures
⚫ コーポレートサイトにESG・サステナビリティに関する非財務情報を掲載
⚫ 情報は随時更新
⚫ ESG & Sustainability related non-financial information is disclosed on our webpage
⚫ The information will be timely updated

詳しくみる → Learn more (EN) →

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 53
Note list
Page Note 内容 Contents
5 *1 2023年12月31日時点。連結ベース。前年同期比+2,339人 As of December 31, 2023. Consolidated data. YoY: +2,339

5 *2 2023年9月30日時点。自己株式を除く。 As of September 30, 2023. Excluding treasury stocks

5 *3 2023年10月1日時点。内、独立取締役は2人 As of October 1, 2023. Including Two independent directors

6 * MBO: Management Buyout(経営陣が参画する企業買収) MBO: Management Buyout

7 * EBITDA=営業利益+減価償却費+のれん償却額 EBITDA= Operating profit + Depreciation + Amortization of goodwill

医療事業受託市場の2017年度の業界シェア。市場規模は2,030億円。 Share of medical administration market in FY2017 (Market size is 203 billion yen). Prepared by the Solasto based on Fuji
9 *1
富士経済ネットワークス「2018年版サービス産業要覧」よりソラスト作成 Keizai Networks. “2018 Service Industry Handbook”

9 *2 2022年6月時点 As of June 2022

Prepared by the Company based on MHLW Survey of Medical Institutions (Estimates for up to August 2017) and the 2016
Hospital Management Survey Report issued by the National Federation of Private Hospitals and the Japan Hospital
10 *1 連盟/一般社団法人日本病院会「平成28年病院経営実態調査報告」より事務部門の人件費を算出。既
Association. Potential market are indicated expenses of administrative division human resource. Actual market based on
the 2018 Service Industry Almanac created by Fuji Keizai Networks

一般財団法人医療関連サービス振興会「令和3年度医療関連サービス実態調査報告書」よりソラスト作成。 Prepared by the Company based on Japan Health Enterprise Foundation “Survey about Medical-related services FY2021”.
10 *2 グラフ内の公的病院は、国立、公立及びその他公的病院の合計。私的病院は、医療法人、個人及びその Public hospitals are total for National and Other Public Hospitals. Private hospitals are total for Medical Corporations,
他私的病院の合計 Individual, and other Private Hospitals

11 * BPR=Business Process Re-engineering(業務プロセス全体の最適化) BPR= Business Process Re-engineering

12 *1 有料老人ホームの略 -

12 *2 サービス付き高齢者向け住宅の略 -

12 *3 連結ベース。2023年12月単月の売上比率 Ratio of Solasto’s monthly sales (consolidated) for December 2023 by services

13 * 2023年12月31日時点 As of December 31, 2023

Source : Figures from FY2012 to FY2021 prepared by the Company based on the MHLW Report on the Status of Long-
Term Care Insurance Services, and figures for FY2025 and FY2040 based on plan figures indicated in the “Long-Term
14 * 済財政諮問会議「2040年を見据えた社会保障の将来見通し」(2018年5月21日)の計画ベース数値
Outlook on Social Security through 2040” (May 21, 2018) by the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, which is overseen
by the Cabinet Office. Long-term care expenses and benefit costs created to show the size of the long-term care market

Estimation by the Company based on "List of Social Welfare Institutions, etc. No. 2 Child Welfare Law (Licensed) Child
東京都福祉保健局「社会福祉施設等一覧 第2 児童福祉法等 (認可)保育所」(令和3年10月1
15 *1 Care Centers" (as of 1 October 2021), Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health, Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The
figure shows the total of Solasto, Cocoro Care Plan, Hug Hug Kids, and Nanairo

Turnover rate = April number of resignees /End of March number of employees + May number of resignees /End of April
15 *2 number of employees +…+ March number of resignees /End of February number of employees
末社員数) 対象:常勤社員
Applicability: Full-time employees

15 *3 稼働率=園児数/定員数。単体実績 Utilization rate = Number of children/ Capacity (Non-consolidated results)

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 54
Note list
Page Note 内容 Contents
FY2019-FY2023 number of children using child care services is based on Tokyo Metropolitan Government's "Status of
16 * Children Using Child care Services"; number of children using child care services from FY2025 and licensed child care
center capacity utilization rate (estimate) for FY2019-2035 is based on the Company estimates

Locations that became subsidiaries or for which transfer of business was completed from April 2 to April 1 of next year in
17 * each fiscal year. Megumi-no-kai and business transfers conducted on April 1, 2020 are included in FY2020. Solasto Care is
included in FY2022

19 *1 定着率=100%-離職率 Retention rate=100% - Turnover rate

19 *2 毎年実施している社員意識調査の質問項目の一つ One of the questions from employee satisfaction survey conducted every year

Certification system based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace
20 *1 (Women’s Workplace Advancement Act). Companies that fulfill certain standards and have an excellent record related to
female promotion in the workplace are eligible for certification by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare

次代の社会を担う子どもたちの健全な育成を支援するための法律(次世代育成支援対策推進法)に基づ Certification system based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (Next-
20 *2 く認定制度。一般事業主行動計画を策定した企業のうち、計画に定めた目標を達成し、一定の基準を満た Generation Development Support Act). Among companies that draft a general employer action plan, companies that
した企業が厚生労働大臣の認定を受けることができるもの achieve plan goals and fulfill certain standards are eligible for certification by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare

20 *3 課長相当職以上 Sectional manager or higher

対象:ソラストグループ(連結)の自社排出(Scope1、Scope2) The figures are for the direct emissions by Solasto Group (consolidated) (Scope 1+2 emissions)
温室効果ガス排出量は「温室効果ガス排出量算定・報告マニュアル」(環境省、経済産業省)に基づき算 Greenhouse gas missions were calculated based on the “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation and Reporting Manual” by
21 *1
出しており、一部推計を含む。温室効果ガス排出量のScope1、Scope2は電気・ガス・ガソリンの使用による Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and include estimates.
もの Scope 1+2 greenhouse gas emissions are for electricity, gas and gasoline uses

21 *2 排出原単位:t-CO₂/拠点数 Greenhouse gas emission intensity: t-CO2/centers

On October 1, 2023, one Independent Outside Director was appointed as an executive Director and the member
composition of Nomination, Evaluation, and Compensation Committee was changed. As a result, the percentage of
22 *1 員会の構成員を変更したことに伴い、当該委員会及び取締役会に占める独立社外取締役の割合がそれぞ
Independent Outside Directors to the Committee members and the percentage of Independent Outside Directors to Board
of Directors fell to 50% from 60%, and 29% from 43% compared to the ratio as of September 30, 2023, respectively.

22 *2 譲渡制限付株式報酬制度 Restricted Stock Compensation Plan

24 * PMI:Post Merger Integration(買収後の統合プロセス) PMI:Post Merger Integration

26 * 新規サービス構成比の分母は事業によって異なる(売上高、営業利益等) The denominator of the composition of new services varies by business (net sales, operating profit, etc.)

27 * CAGRはFY22を起点とした年平均成長率 CAGR is the average annual growth rate from FY2022
29 * 全社費用は決算短信に記載している調整額 "Corporate Expenses" refer to the amount of adjustment as described in the Earnings release.

44 *1 全エリアのうち、何%のエリアで該当サービスを提供できているか Indicates in what percentage of areas the service in question is being provided to relative to all areas

44 *2 有料老人ホーム、サービス付き高齢者向け住宅、小規模多機能型居宅介護、ショートステイ等 Nursing home, serviced residence for elderly, small scale multifunctional care facility and short stay, etc.

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 55
Note list
Page Note 内容 Contents
Net income is based on the announced forecast for earnings. Term end equity is estimated amount for the end of March
45 *1 当期純利益は業績予想数値を、期末自己資本は2024年3月末自己資本予想数値を使用

45 *2 各年度3月末時点の推計値 Estimated values as of the end of March each fiscal year

45 *3 Net debt=有利子負債(リース債務含む)-現金及び預金 Net debt = Interest- bearing debt (including lease obligations) – Cash and time deposits

45 *4 D/Eレシオ=有利子負債(リース債務含む)/純資産 Debt/equity ratio = Interest- bearing debt (including lease obligations) / Net assets

We conducted a 1: 300 stock split on January 26, 2016, and 1: 3 stock split on July 1, 2018. EPS information for the past
46 * 割合をもって株式分割を実施。2015年度の期首に当該株式分割が行われたと仮定して、1株当たり当期
year indicates figures adjusted to reflect the stock split.

GHG emissions were calculated based on the “GHG Emissions Calculation and Reporting Manual” by Ministry of the
Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and include estimates. The figures are Solasto Group
52 * 出しており、一部推計を含む。数値はソラスト連結、温室効果ガス排出量のScope1+2は電気・ガス・ガソリ
consolidated and Scope 1+2 GHG emissions is for electricity, gas and gasoline uses, Scope 3 is for the “Category 5 wastes
ンの使用、Scope3は「カテゴリ5 事業から出る廃棄物」と「カテゴリ7 雇用者の通勤」によるもの
from business operations” and “Category 7 commutation of employees”

(C) Solasto Corporation. All rights reserved. 56
⚫ お問い合わせ先
株式会社ソラスト(証券コード:6197) 管理本部 広報・IR部 IR課
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Solasto Corporation (Ticker code: 6197)
2-15-3, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8210, Japan E-mail:ir@solasto.co.jp HP: https://www.solasto.co.jp/ir/en/

⚫ Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information
This material includes forward-looking statements based on a number of assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to management and
subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual financial results may differ materially depending on a number of factors.

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